Some general points to remember when completing your 2005-06 tax return. Published: June 22 2006
Michael Malone and related party Perth Internet Pty Ltd changed its relevant interest from 18,878,167 ordinary shares (23.79%) to 24,328,167 ordinary shares (19.97%)
Indo Mines Ltd and partner Compass Resources NL have agreed to expedite the purchase of the Nangali epithermal gold project in Peru, which they originally negotiated in June 2004 with a Newmont subsid
TOP-RANKING Perth radio station mix94.5 has come back to the field in the latest survey, suffering a 2.2 percentage point drop in overall audience share.
ASX code: GGG, Issue price: $0.24, First days close: $0.28, Principal activities: gold explorer, Corporate: Simon Cato (chairman), Jeremy Whybrow (executive director), Miles Guy (non-executive directo
Philip Payne has been appointed as CEO of Murdoch University Veterinary Hospital and Neil Smith, partner of PKF, has been appointed as chairman of the board.
The Tax Office wants to ensure that taxpayers are correctly claiming their work-related expenses. Published: June 22 2006
THERE are worrying signs in the management of the public service workforce, including a lack of clear leadership, as the state’s economy grows and the labour pool shrinks, state Auditor-General Des Pe
And StateWest Credit Society Ltdannounce that members of StateWest have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the merger of the two organisations by way of a scheme of arrangement.
Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.30am on Friday, 21 July 2006 at The Sutherland Room, City West Reception Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, CityWest Centre, West Perth
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has conducted its first private sector business survey on tiny Norfolk Island in the Pacific, and it makes for an interesting read.
This highly profitable and well established business has built an enviable reputation for providing cost effective solutions to a stable and diversified client base. Owner retiring.
Proposed code: FWL, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: yalgoo iron project, Corporate: Robert H Duffin (non-executive chairman), Brett Manning (managing director), Barry E Wyatt (non-executive
Selecting a registered tax agent to do your tax return can save you some effort. Published: June 22 2006
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I
THE Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA will take a Western Australian trade mission to India in September to capitalise on trade opportunities arising out of one of the world’s fastest growing eco
Proposed code: GLA, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold and uranium explorer, Corporate: John Palermo (director), Mark O’ Malley (director), John Hills (director), Douglas Cunningha
Curtin University of Technology’s Da Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry has appointed internationally recognised researcher Professor Michael McWilliams as its new director.