Lim Asia Arbitrage Fund Inc, Long Investment International Ltd, Lim Advisors Ltd & George Dong changed its relevant interest from 2,443,000 ordinary shares (13.0%) to 2,443,000 ordinary shares (11
Has entered into an agreement to acquire Specialized Tank Cleaning Services Pty Ltd for $4.4M. The acquisition is expected to be completed on 1 July 2006.
Pack your lycra and helmet, the Asthma Foundation of WA is on the hunt for individuals to join a team for its 14-day cycle through Vietnam tour in October.
HEATHER Jones started Success Transport in August 2004 with a vision to provide high quality, timely transport services to a wide range of industries, while also working to change the community percep
Proposed code: YRR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Denis McInerney (non-executive chairman), John Geary (executive director and company secretary), David Dre
OYSTER Consulting is a successful Western Australian-based management consultancy, specialising in the natural resources sector internationally, including mining, minerals and oil and gas.
WA's natural gas industry had another reason for celebration when Shenzhen Terminal, the first commissioned in China for liquefied natural gas was opened this morning.
People who are aged 55 or over and still working may be entitled to a tax offset of up to $500. Published: June 22 2006
Domonique Bertolucci, author of Your Best Life (Hodder), to speak at ACEA’s ‘Stress Busting for High Achievers’ breakfast, June 30 at Fraser’s Restaurant and Westcare & Platform Interactive’s Inte
Has conditionally placed 14.1 million new ordinary shares at a price of A$0.95 (£0.38) per share to raise up to A$13.4 million (£5.4 million) before expenses.
CLAREMONT-BASED healthcare company Resonance Health Ltd this week announced a deeply discounted $3.06 million entitlements offer at two cents per share to fund further development of FibroScreen, a no
Purpose built child care centre, licensed for 38 children ranging in age from baby to six years. The business has been established since 1995, with the current proprietors owning it since July 2002.
Proposed code: GEM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: diamond exploration, Corporate: Monty House (chairman); Les Field (technical director); Anthony Short (non-executive director); Peter Hwan
BRAKE system specialist Safe Effect Technologies Ltd has announced a $750,000 capital-raising to expand the take-up of its braking system products in the mining industry.
Proposed code: YRR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Denis McInerney (non-executive chairman), John Geary (executive director and company secretary), David Dre
At its recent AGM the Western Australian Sports Federation elected Michael Allenby as the president replacing John Fuhrmann, who served as president for seven years.
Students who began university this year will be aware that HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) has been replaced by HELP (Higher Education Loan Programme).