Employs four and operates five days. Under management nets 17 per cent to owner or $60,000 plus perks to owner/operator. City location. Roz Baker: 9471 8163 or 0417 990 441 Fortune Business Marketing
Proposed code: GGG, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold explorer, Corporate: Simon Cato (chairman), Jeremy Whybrow (executive director), Miles Guy (non-executive director), Bruce Acutt (com
15 million unlisted options, issued on 27 April 2005 and restricted for 12 months from the date of issue, were released from ASX escrow conditions on 27 April 2006
An Extraordinary General Meeting is to be held on 12 July 2006 at 10.00am in the Boardroom, on Ground Floor, 45 Richardson Street, West Perth Western Australia 6005
This last Note comes from the "Bizarre File" of Lighter Note subjects and concerns the release of four mobile ring tones by accounting body, CPA Australia.
Industrial products. This fully managed company has experienced steady growth for the past 18 years with estimated 2006 EBIT of $1.23 million on sales of $9 million.
In the matter of Ventures Holding P.L and EPIC Sulawesi Gas P.L. and Energy World Corp Ltd and Energy Equity Holdings P.L. - Parties continue various undertakings until 27/07/06.
Has agreed with a facilitator on behalf of several private investors to an issue of up to 26,000,000 shares at a price of 3.5 cents per share to raise $910,000.
Proposed code: FLR, Issue price: $0.25, Principal activities: producer of olive oil, Corporate: Mark Hohnen (chairman), David Carr (managing director), Mervyn Lange (non-executive director), Craig Rea
The Bulletin board for tax agents comprises news items relevant to tax agents and is regularly revised. Updated to include deadline for activity statement updates - June 12 2006.
FOLLOWING on from last week’s Note on Boral Concrete’s largest single concrete pour in a decade, news has come to hand of another marathon effort taking place on Koolan Island, off the far north Kimbe
The Miners Arms has been established as a hotel for over 100 years. Recognised (by performance) as the best hotel in the attractive hamlet of Northampton.
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing, Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),