Professional Public Relations has appointed Kylie Bartlett and John Williams as senior consultants in the firm’s corporate investor relations division, working on clients such as LandCorp, RCR Tomlins
For use by companies, trusts, partnerships and funds to assist with completion of 2006 tax returns. Published: July 10 2006
Goldman Sachs J B Were Group Holdings Pty Ltd increased its relevant interest from 10,576,307 ordinary shares (5.00%) to 12,697,839 ordinary shares (6.00%)
MALAGA-BASED Associated Shopfitters has won a national award for its fit-out of McDonald’s restaurant in Tuart Hill as part of a $1.2 million upgrade to the store.
Proposed code: MIN, Issue price: $0.90, Principal activities: mining services and processing, Corporate: Michael Kiernan (non-executive chairman), Peter Wade (executive director & managing directo
Patrick Warr has been appointed as a director of audit and corporate services at Bentleys MRI Perth. Mr Warr joined the firm in 2005 when Hall Chadwick merged with Bentleys MRI.
WELSHPOOL-BASED engineering company RCR Tomlinson Ltd has announced a 137 per cent increase in its net profit, a result that foreshadows an expected bumper year for Western Australian companies.
Austrade’s senior trade commissioner in Hong Kong Peter Osborne to speak as CCI’s ‘Doing business with China’ seminar and cocktail function, July 27 at the CCI Function Centre.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I
Have signed a Term Sheet with Equine HealthCare ApS of Denmark (EHC). Sheet describes the establishment of a European Joint Venture company (Pulmovet ApS).
Burt Reynolds and Barbra Streisand are among the rich and famous to have spent some blissful time at Lake Taupo Lodge on the North Island of New Zealand.
Specialised furniture for expanding market sector of hospitality and aged care. Australia-wide offices and distribution. Turnover more than $8 million per annum.
Proposed code: GEM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: diamond exploration, Corporate: Monty House (chairman); Les Field (technical director); Anthony Short (non-executive director); Peter Hwan
THE sale last week by Evans & Tate of its Griffith winery for more than $8 million, and the expected divestment of its Mildura production facility for around $22 million, will go a long way to put
Proposed code: PES, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: coal seem gas producer, Corporate: Robert William Day (non-executive chairman), Steve Beardsall (managing director), Terry Primeau (non-ex
Has signed a Heads of Agreement with a multibillion US$ international oil and gas company with substantial construction capability and operations experience (the "farminee").