Proposed code: YRR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Denis McInerney (non-executive chairman), John Geary (executive director and company secretary), David Dre
This document contains details of rulings, law and objections relevant to capital allowances. Links to corresponding material published on the ATO Legal Database are also included.
Standard distribution statement for use by managed funds to report tax information to tax investors for the 2006 income tax year. Includes guidance notes and sample statement.
The Company advised that on 3 July 2006, 1,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares will be released from escrow on 11 July 2006, the correct amount should have been 600,000 fully paid ordinary shares
Israel and Lebanon are on the verge of all-out war as tit for tat rocket attacks are launched from each side over their shared border, hitting major infrastructure and towns in both countries.
Proposed code: FWL, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: yalgoo iron project, Corporate: Robert H Duffin (non-executive chairman), Brett Manning (managing director), Barry E Wyatt (non-executive
Merrill Lynch & Co became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 69,718,523 ordinary shares (9.6%) - Buy way of notification - Not standard form.
Board of directors: Dr Wally Cox – chairman , Ian Anderson, Terry Budge, Ricky Burges, , Ian Carter, Ian Laurence, Maxine Murray, Dr David Smith, Dr Michael Stanford.
For use by companies, trusts, partnerships and funds to assist with completion of 2006 tax returns. Published: July 10 2006
Monopoly leasehold motel in well-known coastal tourist location. 40 units and excellent food and beverage trade. New 20-year lease available. Murray Brown: 9481 4422 GMO WA’s Business Broker
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing, Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),
Austrade’s senior trade commissioner in Hong Kong Peter Osborne to speak as CCI’s ‘Doing business with China’ seminar and cocktail function, July 27 at the CCI Function Centre.