Monopoly leasehold motel in well-known coastal tourist location. 40 units and excellent food and beverage trade. New 20-year lease available. Murray Brown: 9481 4422 GMO WA’s Business Broker
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing, Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),
THE increasing popularity of high-end supermarkets, coupled with food service industry demand in Japan and Taiwan, is opening up export opportunities for Australian businesses, prompting Austrade to h
Proposed code: IBG, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold and base metal explorer and developer, Corporate: Peter Duncombe Bennetto (non-executive chairman), Jonathan Charles Downes (executiv
Past president of the Rotary Club of Geraldton, Les Walters, handed over his presidency to Graeme Bylund of Bylund Fabrications at the club’s annual dinner and awards night on July 1.
An overview of telephone lodgement options for short tax return, baby bonus claim and refund of franking credits. Published: July 6 2006
4 x 4 vehicle modifications. Crane sales and service. Immaculate workshop. Repetitive client base. Premises also for sale if required. Roz Baker: 9471 8163 or 0417 990 441 Fortune Business Marketing
Proposed code: SHA, Issue price: $0.20, Corporate: Frank Carr (executive chairman), Brian Martin (director), Bevan Jaggard (director and company secretary), Principal activities: gold exploration, www
Wholly-owned subsidiary, Gulliver Productions Pty Ltd received the grant of Exploration Permit EP 448 located in the Onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia.
Fremantle-based olive oil producers Frankland River Olive Company Ltd debuted at a premium on the ASX last week before settling down to trade at or around its issue price of 25 cents, giving it a mark
ASX code: MYG, Issue price: $0.20, First days close: $0.16, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Frank Lawson (chairman), John Robert Greeve (managing director), Allan Richard George Bro
Former CEO of the WA Sports Federation, Bob Welch, has been appointed site manager for the 2007-09 Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, to be held at Scarborough Beach in March of each of those