Becton has appointed David Ellwood as investment manager WA, with principal responsibilities for the asset management of the company’s existing portfolio and new acquisitions.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australian (CCI) with the support of the WA Government’s Department of
UBS Nominees Pty Ltd & its related bodies corporate increased its relevant interest from 10,810,547 ordinary shares (6.94%) to 14,432,690 ordinary shares (8.62%).
ASX code: ZNC, Issue price: $0.20, First days close: $0.375, Principal activities: zinc exploration, Corporate: Gary Ernest Comb (non-executive chairman), Stanley Allan Macdonald (non-executive direct
Announce plans to raise additional capital of up to A$2.75 million via the issue of ordinary shares at an issue price of A$0.17 each to a specialist biotechnology investment fund, sophisticated and pr
ORGANISERS of the annual WA Business and the Arts Partnership Awards have launched two new leadership awards designed to recognise individuals from both the arts and the private sector who have made a
Has signed a Heads of Agreement to acquire a 75.5% equity interest in ATOS Wellness Pte Ltd group of Singapore with an option to increase the shareholding to 100% in the 2010 calendar year.
SAVILLE Australia’s plan to develop Perth’s tallest apartment tower of 41-storeys on the former Emu Brewery site is gaining momentum with the appointment of Melbourne-based construction company Contex
MALAGA-BASED scaffolding and form work supplier, PCH Group Ltd, has announced plans to acquire Melbourne-based Linc Scaffolding and the remaining 50 per cent stake in Geelong West Scaffolding.