Nadia Budihardjo and Claire Tyrrell discuss the industrial property market and how landlords are pushing ahead with new builds.
"At Close Of Business" is a daily news podcast from Business News.
Nadia Budihardjo and Claire Tyrrell discuss the industrial property market and how landlords are pushing ahead with new builds.
In this podcast, Mark Pownall and Simone Grogan discuss the update on Liontown; FMG's green hydrogen targets; quarterly reports; A&O merger; planning reforms and road taxes for electric vehicles.
Isabel Vieira and Nadia Budihardjo discuss the upcoming local government elections with a spotlight on the City of Perth mayoral candidates.
Claire Tyrrell and Nadia Budihardjo discuss recent trends in residential building, with the sector upbeat after a testing period.
Isabel Vieira and Tom Zaunmayr discuss the senior journalist's experience renting amid Broome's rental crisis.
Isabel Vieira and Liv Declerck discuss West Australian Symphony Orchestra's latest moves. Plus: Albemarle exit, law firm merger and Tasmanian pub.
Nadia Budihardjo and Claire Tyrrell discuss the state government's recent announcement on stamp duty.
In this podcast, Mark Beyer and Mark Pownall discuss BGC drama and fibre cement sale; Goyder steps down; Pilbara summit; North West projects; iron ore updates; apartment scheme; Coral Bay development and more.