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"At Close Of Business" is a daily news podcast from Business News.

Future Perth is a six-part podcast series that will examine the major issues facing this vibrant metropolis as it looks to grow in both size and stature over the next 20 years.

Our weekly podcast, featuring Mark Pownall and Mark Beyer, discussing the news of week.

Latest Podcasts

Nadia Budihardjo and Claire Tyrrell discuss training initiatives to address workforce shortages in the WA homebuilding sector.

In this podcast: Mark Beyer and Mark Pownall discuss new energy initiatives, federal spending curbs, Ivan Vella and Mark Barnaba.

Tom Zaunmayr and Jack McGinn discuss the return of a biofuels sector in Western Australia.

Mark Beyer and Jack McGinn discuss the state of play for hydrogen developments in Western Australia.

Liv Declerck and Jack McGinn discuss the achievements and outlook for WA institution Lotterywest.

Mark Pownall and Jack McGinn discuss companies making waves in the marine-based technology sector.

Claire Tyrrell and Nadia Budihardjo discuss cutting-edge vet school technology in use in Western Australia.

In this podcast: Mark Beyer and Mark Pownall discuss accounting action; WeWork; Qantas; exporters; hydrogen; coal; biofuels, and skills shortages.