The state opposition has lashed government cost management after an auditor general report revealed a $2 billion blowout in budget allocation across 20 major projects.
A national mining services company that has quietly completed multiple acquisitions in Western Australia has appointed a Perth-based chair as it explores an ASX listing.
Dual-listed contractor DRA Global has announced the surprise departure of four directors, including chairman Peter Mansell, following 'engagement' with the company's biggest shareholder.
The legal showdown over billions of dollars in iron ore royalties has entered the final phase after lawyers of mining heirs start their closing remarks in court.
WA Agriculture Minister Jackie Jarvis has delivered a stunning rebuke of commentary suggesting she does not support the live export sector, in a passionate speech that earned her praise from what was expected to be a tough crowd.
A new study has found the median rent as a percentage of aged care award pay was 97 per cent in Port Hedland as the sector continues to face workforce shortages and low occupancy.
Buru Energy is actively pursuing a joint venture partner to help it bring its Canning Basin gas interests into production, less than a year after buying out Origin Energy’s share of its projects.
Planning Minister John Carey has given the strongest indication yet local governments will be empowered to take the reins on regulating holiday rentals.
A national labour market report has highlighted the unique needs of WA businesses, with the occupations most in demand starkly at odds with conditions in other states.
Mines Minister Bill Johnston has told a nickel forum in Perth he will continue to lobby for the commodity after it missed out on the federal government’s national list of critical minerals.
Mining entrepreneur Tony Sage is continuing to appeal a tribunal decision that refused him access to documents he claimed could be relevant to his tax audit.
Wealthy property developer Tim Gurner sparked outrage with comments suggesting complacent, lazy workers were at the heart of Australia’s productivity woes.
CIMIC Group has been contracted by the Department of Defence to undertake work on Royal Australian Air Force Bases Curtin and Learmonth in the state’s north.
St Georges Terrace broker Argonaut has posted weaker profits against a particularly prosperous previous financial year, as subdued markets stifle brokerage turnover.