Perth should foster a centre of excellence that brings together like-minded individuals, businesses and, sometimes, public institutions to serve the resources sector.
LEADERSHIP WA, a not-for-profit organisation focused on delivering leadership enhancement programs, has developed a new program stream – Community Leaders in Action – to encourage growth in pro bon
AS executive chair of Macquarie Group in Melbourne, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation chairman, and a former president of the Takeovers Panel, Simon McKeon has a strong p
THE City of Perth has unveiled a plan to revitalise the Gasworks Building and its surrounding precinct on Wellington Street, with the creation of an artistic hub for the fashion and photographic in
Planning Minister John Day says the state government is considering mandating more local government involvement in its plan to establish a redevelopment authority to oversee the entire metropolitan
DEVELOPERS along the Scarborough beachfront received a bit of good news last week when the City of Stirling gave the green light to a $53 million revamp of the precinct.
THE automated ticketing technology that promised so much and delivered so little for shareholders in listed company ERG has turned into a profitable business for Vix ERG and its backer, Duncan Savi
AUSTRALIANS living outside of the major cites will have access to top medical specialists from their own community if Perth-based researcher and innovator Yogesan Kanagasingam can realise his visio
Property investor BWP Trust has announced an increase of distributable profit of 12.2 per cent for the year to June 30, driven by fast growth in rental incomes stemming from its acquisition of 11 B
Iron ore miner Fortescue Metals Group has won a court victory in its acrimonious native title battle with the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation, which appears to pave the way for development
Mount Gibson Iron will issue its first dividend to shareholders after booking a net profit of $239.5 million for financial year 2010-11, an increase of 81 per cent on the previous year’s results.
While financial markets have been focused on European and US debt problems, the real issue is clearly global economic growth, which now appears to be faltering badly.
DEFENCE fundraising and volunteer organisation, Army Art Show, is teaming with newly established Fremantle Foundation to raise money for local women in need.
THE Asthma Foundation of WA and Swimming WA have joined forces to promote greater awareness of asthma and the beneficial outcomes swimming can have for asthma sufferers.
A PROPOSED national regulatory body for the not-for-profit sector is good on paper but more detail was needed, according to representatives of the sector in Western Australia.
THE concept for DMD Shelving Direct was hatched in 1995, when (then) 17-year-old metal fabrication apprentice Mark Antonio and his mates, Danny and Dave, were at a barbeque talking about setting up