EVERY organisation faces two major challenges – to deliver products and services to current customers quickly at a minimum of costs, and to invent new products and services before their competitors
WESTERN Australian projects have fared poorly in total funding from the latest round of the federal government’s Green Building Fund, announced last month.
Developer Cedar Woods has called for greater state government investment in basic infrastructure to avoid projected shortfalls in new housing stock and sharp rises in property prices in the next ni
A SHORT supply of big retail spaces in the CBD is hampering plans by two of Europe’s top fashion chains to set up shop in Perth and reap the benefits of the state’s long-term economic outlook.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s buoyant gold sector is flowing through to other parts of the region’s economy, with professional services and trades some of the best performers.
THE new chair of the state’s Waste Authority is looking to shake up the sector, starting with a new waste strategy with measurable goals and vowing to challenge the government over how it uses the
You might not have heard it but the Swiss National Bank yesterday fired a shot which will be heard around the world, and could prove to be bad news for Australia.
UK-based bank Standard Chartered has acquired 100 per cent of Adelaide-based Gryphon Partners Advisory, which has advised a host of Western Australia based resources firms fielding takeover offers
Business confidence in Western Australia is plummetting and has fallen to the lowest level since the global financial crisis, a series of new surveys shows.
The polls show Kevin Rudd is the preferred Labor leader, but punters are backing Defence Minister Stephen Smith to win the race to be leader at the next election.
A NEW study by mental illness support organisation SANE Australia has found that most Australians with a mental illness receive little support at work, and more than half those surveyed did not bel
THE motivations for some partnerships between the not-for-profit and corporate sector are not always immediately apparent; but in the case of Curtin University and Autism West, there’s no mistaking
MORE than a decade ago, (then) 23-year-old Marcus Fulker was working as a subcontractor for his uncle’s patio building company in Perth’s southern suburbs.
Perth’s pressure-cooker office market is driving the development of a number of smaller projects on the edge of the CBD as city tenants seek space to consolidate their operations and take advantage
PERTH’S listed property players are upbeat in their outlook for 2012 even if investor sentiment and an anaemic residential market continue to weigh on their performance.
The surging investment in mining and resources projects in Western Australia has been good news for the state’s engineering fraternity, judging by the latest batch of profit reports and updated dat
EVER since Atlas Iron shipped its first tonne of iron ore out of Port Hedland back in 2008, the David Flanagan-headed miner has been the benchmark for Western Australia’s other junior iron ore hope
PERHAPS no other sector of the Australian mining industry finds itself quite so precariously balanced on the tightrope stretched taut by global demand over a deep pit of uncertainties than magnetit
WESTERN Australia’s iron ore industry is booming, however sectors such as rare earths, specialty metals, uranium and gold have also attracted significant investment from overseas and local players.
CASHMERE Iron might have stirred up a hornet’s nest with a deal to fund the development of engineering plans for the expansion of Esperance harbour, but there is little sign that the budding miner’