Perth-based Venture Minerals says it will fast-track the development of its Livingstone direct shipping iron ore project, after entering a rail haulage agreement with Tasmanian Rail.
Western Australia’s resources sector has applauded the now bi-partisan support for Sunday trading, saying the added vibrancy from more open shops may help attract more migrants from the eastern sta
Everyone loves a bargain. But, there comes a time when cheap is too cheap, as the world is discovering with falling prices destabilising industries, and entire economies.
Toro Energy expects its Wiluna project will receive final government approval this year before a state election when the opposition Labor Party hopes to ban new uranium mines if elected.
The Australian dollar has soared above 105 US cents for the first time since October on renewed optimism that Greece will reach a deal with its creditors to avoid defaulting on its debt.
Oil prices rose modestly Monday after the EU slapped an embargo on Iran's crude exports as part of tough new sanctions aimed at stopping Tehran from funding its disputed nuclear program.
Western Australia’s environmental umpire has given its nod to BHP Billiton Iron Ore’s $20 billion proposal to construct and operate an outer harbour at Port Hedland, potentially doubling the port's
The state government has named a consortium between Brookfield Multiplex and Georgiou Group and another between Leighton and Broad alongside construction heavyweight John Holland on its shortlist f
The Australian share market closed weaker as investors awaited an outcome to Greek debt restructure plans, with eurozone finance ministers scheduled to meet later today.
Newly-installed state Labor Leader Mark McGowan has confirmed the party will support the introduction of Sunday trading and will not revoke any approvals for uranium mines in Western Australia, in
A Chinese nuclear company has moved a step closer to bidding for Australian uranium explorer Extract Resources but the target says it is still seeking alternative suitors.
Bankwest managing director Jon Sutton is returning to a senior executive role at Commonwealth Bank of Australia, with CBA executive general manager of retail and business banking Rob De Luca set to
Perth-based drilling technology and services firm Imdex’ joint venture with DHS Oil Holdings has acquired US-based oil and gas downhole survey provider Vaughn Energy Services in a transaction
Western Australia-based Iron ore hopeful Trafford Resources has turned its attention to new acquisitions or joint ventures, after offloading its stake in Indonesia-focused gold and base metals expl
The Australian dollar rose to its highest level in 12 weeks amid hopes Greece will reach a deal with its creditors to avoid a disastrous default on its debt.
European shares notched up a fifth straight week of gains last week, as the outlook for the global economy improved and on optimism Greece would avoid a messy default.
Defence Minister Stephen Smith says he is not concerned that incoming Western Australian Labor leader Mark McGowan could battle the federal government on infrastructure funding from the mining tax.