Building industry groups have reiterated concerns about a Gillard government proposal to replace the commercial construction industry watchdog, warning the alternative to the Australian Building an
A LACK of supply will be the big issue for Perth’s office market in 2012, with record-high office take-up figures sending the CBD vacancy rate spiralling to its lowest level in three years.
QUEENSLAND-BASED Oaks Hotels and Resorts has expanded its portfolio in Western Australia with the acquisition of a second property in Broome, naming the Kimberley location as one of its investment
LIKE iron ore in the Pilbara, Western Australia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector along the state’s north-west coast is experiencing a wave of development and expansion.
Nearly 80 per cent of Western Australians expect to be able to shrug off the ongoing global economic turmoil over 2012, despite 34 per cent expecting the local economy to deteriorate, a survey rele
The federal opposition believes Treasurer Wayne Swan will need to be a magician to deliver his promised budget surplus in 2012/13 in the light of downgraded global growth forecasts.
The Australian dollar has been dragged down as negotiations to prevent Greece defaulting on its debt hit an impasse and the International Monetary Fund downgraded its global growth forecasts.
Lynas Corporation has announced $US225 million capital raising to complete the construction and commissioning of its rare earths processing plant in Malaysia, after revealing delays had added up to
Opposition Leader Mark McGowan is being "sneaky" by promoting an opt-out provision for workers under proposed Sunday trading laws, the government says.
Goldfields Credit Union has received regulatory approval for its plan to demutualise, raise $9 million in additional capital and list on the Australian Securities Exchange as Goldfields Money.
Australia's biggest gold producer, Newcrest Mining, has reported a 20 per cent drop in quarterly gold production compared with the prior corresponding December quarter.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the federal government will help find jobs for the 350 Toyota workers made redundant and shore up the car industry overall.