Collaboration is at the heart of everything that happens at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.
Last month, the Perkins launched their newest corporate engagement program, the Perkins Partners at a co-hosted event with the CEO Institute WA.
Perkins Partners is a dynamic corporate engagement program that is fully tax deductible and tailored to businesses keen to engage with the Perkins directly to support life-changing WA medical research.
The program was developed to align with organisations venturing into the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) space for the first time or those looking for a credible WA partner with shared values.
The Perkins Partners program exemplifies the power of collaboration.
It is a mechanism for WA businesses and researchers at the Perkins to come together to create meaningful, lasting impact on our community's health and well-being.
Your valuable partnership recognised
As a Perkins Partner, your business plays a vital role in medical researchers finding their next breakthrough.
By supporting groundbreaking research, your organisation becomes an essential part of the solution to improving health outcomes and finding cures for serious diseases.
Perkins Partners enjoy invitations to exclusive events, have networking opportunities with other valued Perkins stakeholders and align their business with a world-class research institution.
Partners are kept informed of research progress, receive the stories of lives changed because of their commitment and generosity, and have their contribution recognised at every step.
Imagine a future where business is not just known for its products or services, but for its role in finding better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and rare genetic diseases, with kinder treatments and better health outcomes; in advancing medical science, and in making Western Australia a leader in global health.
That is the future being built at the Perkins, and that is the future Perkins Partners are helping to create.
Complete Home Filtration is the latest WA business to join the Perkins Partner program.
Collaboration is in our DNA
Dedicated to tackling some of the world’s toughest diseases, the Perkins was established in 1998 to unify West Australian researchers in a single collaborative research centre – with cancer researchers working side by side with heart researchers and genetic specialists.
It is a world-leading research centre that is globally recognised and supports life-saving breakthroughs that will improve the lives and health of all Australians.
The Perkins Partners program aims to bring together like-minded individuals and businesses to help support WA’s best researchers in their efforts to beat the hardest-to-treat cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and rare genetic diseases.
Perkins CEO, Professor Peter Leedman AO, said, “We are thrilled to welcome the CEO Institute WA and Complete Home Filtration as partners, helping our brightest minds find kinder treatments and better health outcomes for the diseases that most impact our families.
“Complete Home Filtration’s mission to improve community health demonstrates their commitment to helping us give every Australian the best opportunity for a longer, healthier, better life.”
“Our new relationship with the CEO Institute WA is helping to strengthen WA’s position as a leading medical research centre. The innovation and creativity of the business leaders of our State, combined with the determination of our brightest minds exemplifies the value of collaboration for our community.”
At the Perkins Partners launch event ( pictured above) titled Curiosity: A conversation - Science Innovation meets Business Acumen, CEO Institute WA members, business leaders, Perkins stakeholders and supporters enjoyed networking before six Perkins researchers specialising in cancer, cardiovascular disease, genetics and genomics presented brief overviews of the ground-breaking discoveries they're making to tackle the world's toughest diseases, here in WA.
Attending the event, Complete Home Filtration Founder and Managing Director Suzanne Dodds said,
“We’re looking forward to working with the talented researchers at the Perkins as they continue to conduct their breakthrough, globally leading scientific research.
“Complete Home Filtration is honoured to support the Harry Perkins Institute in its focus on pioneering medical research with a local focus and global impact.
“We look forward to growing this relationship.
“Recent years have highlighted just how important health and well-being is.
“Complete Home Filtration was founded with the sole goal of providing Australians with a more affordable and sustainable way to access unlimited clean, freshly filtered water in their homes.
“We are delighted to be connecting with a like-minded, solution-focused partner.”
The Perkins has also welcomed the CEO Institute WA as a corporate partner.
Steve Stanley, CEO of the CEO Institute WA said “The CEO Institute is delighted to partner with the Perkins. The opportunity to support outstanding researchers, whose results will change, or save lives, is something we relish.
“We attract business leaders in WA.
“Having the chance to bring awareness of what the Perkins does to business is a win for us, and a win for the Perkins.”
The Perkins Partner program adds to the suite of corporate programs available at the Perkins including sponsorship of our major fundraising events, the MACA Cancer200 Ride for the Perkins, the New Town Toyota Walk for Women’s Cancer and the Perkins Plunge powered by MinRes.
The Perkins also receives loyal support through the Perkins Alliance, a group of generous WA businesses that provide in-kind support for these events to ensure funds raised are optimised for life-saving medical research.
To play a rewarding and important role as a Perkins Partner and hear about the different ways your organisation can partner with the Perkins to enable researchers to continue their work, contact Corporate Engagement Partner, Celia Byatt – celia.byatt@perkins.org.au and www.perkins.org.au/perkins-partners