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19/07/2020 - 19:04

Business minds think alike

19/07/2020 - 19:04


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Business minds think alike
Candidates who come with an understanding of basic business principles are more likely to succeed.

The contemporary world of business requires prospective employees to not only have a recognised qualification. In today’s world of business, candidates must understand basic business principles. While having a University degree, relevant work experience or another qualification gets candidates ‘a foot in the door’, it is a working knowledge of how businesses operate that will secure your seat at the table.

For employees or candidates who come with experience and skills in areas such as organisation, presentation, marketing and operations, success is more likely to occur. Industry expectations on students entering the workforce have evolved over the years and we find employers require candidates to be more ‘work-ready’, coming armed with the basic knowledge and understanding of business practices.

Instilling this idea of being ‘work-ready’ in an education setting is about teaching transferable skills. These skills reflect diverse concepts including how a business works, what clients need and the regulatory requirements required for the business being studied.

These are skills that everyone should have access to, however many do not. At St Stephen’s School, we are committed to providing all students with avenues to study courses that will give them the best option for success in life after school, whatever that may look like for each individual student.

Our nationally-recognised Certificate in Business offered through our leading Vocational Education and Training program is one of the flagship courses on offer. This course helps students explore and experience all aspects of a business before they graduate, better positioning them for when they apply for jobs and settle into a business environment.

Certificates lll and IV of Business are offered to Secondary students across both St Stephen’s School campuses and our Carramar campus offers Certificates l and ll, from as early as Year 9. We often hear from our VET providers that the younger they start to learn these skills, the more professional and presentable they are when they reach Year 12, and the subsequent workforce. 

The Business courses are delivered by teachers who are experts in their field, holding a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, industry currency and qualifications and experience. Students are exposed to real business examples and research and have access to facilitators from a wide range of industries.

The Business Certificates are all practical and encourage independent thought. Students work to timelines that help them to understand how deadlines impact workflow, as well as, the need to be adaptable to a client’s brief and work requirements.

Students learn a myriad of business administration skills such as putting together presentations, agendas, and taking minutes. Our delivery of the Certificates also focuses on tangible skills including fulfilling customer needs, the importance of marketing and organising business travel.

These are just a sample of the skills that our students are taught to help them through their first foray into the workplace. Knowing they have these skills in their arsenal allows them to be confident in their abilities, and gives their employers a feeling of comfort that they have employed a candidate who comes equipped with contemporary business acumen to meet the needs of business in the 21st Century.