Hello, I am Dr David Honey MLA, Member for Cottesloe and Leader of the WA Liberal Party.
It is a challenging time for the business community with chronic labour shortages, rising interest rates and escalating input costs. I thought it was timely to write to you, so that you have a better understanding about myself, my values and how the WA Liberals are here to support the business community.
I am a farmer by birth, having been raised on a small farm in Cranbrook, in Western Australia’s Great Southern region. As with most family farms, from a young age, I worked alongside my parents, two brothers and two sisters on the farm. I know the importance of hard work and the difficulties of running an enterprise where external factors have a large impact on your success.
My Mum and Dad did everything in their power to provide opportunities for us that they didn’t enjoy in their own lives, in particular, a good education.
My early education started at Cranbrook Primary School. My parents valued a good education and worked hard to send us to board at Swanleigh Hostel in Middle Swan where I attended Hampton Senior High School in Morley.
After High School, I studied science at UWA, graduating with Honours in Chemistry and continuing on to complete a PhD in studies related to extractive metallurgy.
After graduating, I worked for 8 years with the Chemistry Centre as a forensic scientist and then headed up an environmental and occupational hygiene team. Next, I moved into the private sector in the mining world, starting up a metallurgical research group in Western Mining Corporation. I moved from this position to managing a research team in Alcoa’s Global Refining R&D group based in Kwinana.
During this time, I also joined the Liberal Party and after a series of positions became State President of the WA Liberal Party from 1994 to 1997. I had been an active participant in various roles at University and have a strong belief that everyone should take an active interest and role in the affairs of their community. I was not party-political at University, but my engagement and elected roles in student politics showed me that my values and beliefs most closely aligned with the Liberal Party.
At Alcoa, I moved from the research to the operational side of the business. This culminated in the role of Production Manager at Kwinana Refinery and then taking on the position of Global Manager for Alcoa’s Residue Operations.
I have a deep understanding of the issues facing business – the considerable challenges to remain globally competitive and the critical role that Government can play in facilitating, but also hindering business success.
During this period, in parallel to my work with Alcoa, I was elected Chair of the Kwinana Industries Council. This involved me in a range of community issues, including current and future planning for the largest heavy manufacturing precinct in our State. I held this role for 6 years, until I entered State Parliament at a by-election in 2018.
Since becoming the Member for Cottesloe, I have held a number of Shadow Ministries and became the Leader of the WA Parliamentary Liberal Party in 2021.
My humble beginnings on our family farm in Cranbrook, taught me an important lesson in life - you have to work hard for what you believe is important.
That is why I am leading our fight to re-establish Parliamentary democracy coming into the 2025 State Election. I am acutely aware, after the 2021 State Election, of the massive swing against the Liberal Party. That loss is why I took on the mantle of WA Liberal Leader - so we can rebuild our Party and focus on opportunities for our State’s future.
Above all, we must have a government that will stand up for our State and manage for all Western Australians, not just special interests – supporting our families, businesses and not-for-profits and I pledge my support for this.
The world economy is at a difficult juncture – the possibility of stagflation and a global recession. A protracted war in Ukraine, global disruption of supply chains and global competition for skilled and unskilled workers. Families, business owners and everyone in our State need assurances and support.
Therefore, as Leader of the Liberal Party, I wish to reach out to every business person in our great State and assure you that our party is here to support you.
Despite our smaller numbers in State Parliament, we have been working hard to make this arrogant Labor Government accountable for their actions that have negatively impacted on the business community - rising fees and charges, ballooning approvals times and additional regulatory hurdles.
I passionately believe our wonderful State can provide a prosperous future for our children and future generations. I am determined to make sure that this outcome is realised.
Thankyou, I look forward to hearing from you and working for you.
Contact: +61 8 9383-1505 | Cottesloe@mp.wa.gov.au | www.DavidHoney.com.au