Vaughan Bowen was appointed managing director and chief executive of Vocus Communications in February 2000, executive director in October 2011, and was non-executive chair from 2017 to 2018.
Mr Bowen co-founded M2 in late 1999 and in his nearly 12 years as managing director and chief executive, he successfully steered it from a startup technology enterprise to become a fast-growing, profitable, ASX listed, national telecommunications company. With a proven ability to successfully execute and integrate acquisitions, Mr Bowen was appointed executive director in October 2011 with a core focus on mergers and acquisitions. In addition to his M&A mandate, Mr Bowen maintains a close, highly effective engagement with the M2 chief executive and executive leadership team.
Mr Bowen is a director of NIA Limited, chair of Aggregato Global (of which M2 is a substantial shareholder) and chair of the Telco Together Foundation, a charitable foundation he created and seeded in 2011.
Mr Bowen was named a finalist in the Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004 and 2009. In 2012, he received the ACOMMS Communications Ambassador award for outstanding contributions to the Australian telecommunications industry.