Tony Hansen identifies as an Aboriginal man. He is connected to the Noongar Country and people of the South-West of Western Australia. In the 1970s Mr Hansen was forcibly removed from the care of his own family and placed into Marribank Mission, formally known as Carrolup Native Settlement Institution, where he remained for the next 15 years. He is a Stolen Generation Survivor and his children are descendants of the Stolen Generation.
Mr Hansen has worked in Government for 28 years, with positions in the WA Police Force and Department of Children Protection. He currently holds a leadership position with Parkerville Children & Youth Care working in the Out Of Home Care area, where he ensures that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in care continue to stay connected with their culture and their family; and that all staff have culture knowledge and understanding while caring for the children.
Mr Hansen is also a representative on a number of Indigenous boards and committees. He is co-chair of the Bringing Them Home Committee WA (BTH), deputy chair of the Western Australian Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation (WASGAC) in WA, a committee member of Yokai addressing Justice Truth and Healing, and a member of the Carrolup Elders Reference Group in partnership with Curtin University. Mr Hansen is also a member of the Healing Foundation Stolen Generation Committee on a National Platform.