Prior to her appointment as executive director of finance at Infigen Energy in May 2017, Sylvia Wiggins was its independent non-executive director. She is responsible for business services functions including finance, accounting & statutory reporting, strategy and legal. Ms Wiggins has over 20 years of experience as a legally qualified chief executive officer, executive and senior investment banker across a broad range of businesses and countries. She has also worked in the energy, infrastructure, defence and structured finance areas. Ms Wiggins has originated, structured and advised upon transactions including capital and debt issuance, IPOs, asset acquisitions and divestments, mergers and acquisitions, and trade sales. She has also provided corporate advice covering strategic planning, commercial negotiations, capital management and corporate governance. Ms Wiggins manages her own advisory firm which she established in 2014, having previously worked with a number of international investment and advisory firms. From 2009 to 2011, Ms Wiggins worked at the Alinta Energy Group. Prior to that, she was the inaugural chief executive of Global Investments, which is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.