Sylvia Tulloch is an experienced materials scientist with extensive experience in the establishment and management of high technology businesses, with a particular interest in the commercialisation process, mineral
technologies and the cleantech sectors. Ms Tulloch is an investor and director of many startup companies; founded and taken 2 companies to ASX listing: and held government advisory positions in the startup, renewable energy, and manufacturing sectors. She holds a Bachelor of Science and Masters in Materials Science - Ceramics from the University of New South Wales.
Sylvia Tulloch
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Sylvia Tulloch
Non-Executive Chair / Zeotech
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
183rd | Zeotech | $688.98k | |
187th | Battery Minerals | $635.63k | |
188th | Surefire Resources | $627.05k | |
189th | Cadoux | $610.00k | |
190th | Global Lithium Resources | $588.86k |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
636th | Steamships Trading Company">Steamships Trading Company | 13.2% | 4.55% |
637th | SomnoMed">SomnoMed | 13.19% | -26.82% |
638th | Zeotech">Zeotech | 13.16% | 27.03% |
639th | GDI Property Group">GDI Property Group | 13.15% | -10.99% |
640th | Monger Gold">Monger Gold | 13.15% | 1.98% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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Powered by Morningstar ®
Share Transactions
$13.74k Bought
$30.59k Bought
$400.00k Issued
Total value as at the date of the transaction
Powered by Morningstar ®
Person Activity
NEW ROLE: Materials Scientist to Business Manager, Plessey Australia, Thales Australia | 08 Jul 2020 | |
NEW ROLE: Managing Director, Executive Director, Dyesol | 08 Jul 2020 | |
NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Chair, Zeotech | 08 Jul 2020 |
Article Timeline
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Sylvia Tulloch is linked to 3 organisations which are included in 1 list - Public Companies - Resources WA.
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