Simon Rigby has 24 years of international experience in mineral exploration and business development, predominantly with major mining companies including Newmont Australia, Newcrest Mining, Homestake Gold of Australia and Barrick Gold Corporation where, until July 2007, he was the exploration manager of Australia and PNG. Mr Rigby was also the principal of Beaumont Geological Consulting which he founded in 2007. He also has extensive experience as a technical advisor on acquisitions and divestments for mining companies, corporate advisory firms and investment banks. Mr Rigby has a Bachelor of Science (Geology Honours) from James Cook University and is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Simon Rigby
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Simon Rigby
Executive General Manager, Geology & Business Development / Metals X
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
40th | Metals X | $132.65m | |
41st | Image Resources | $119.04m | |
42nd | Tribune Resources | $107.94m | |
43rd | - | CuFe | $99.92m |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
264th | Almonty Industries">Almonty Industries | 55.91% | 0% |
265th | Objective Corporation">Objective Corporation | 55.8% | 25.08% |
266th | Metals X">Metals X | 55.66% | 29.82% |
267th | Race Oncology">Race Oncology | 55.55% | 49.18% |
268th | K&S Freighters">K&S Freighters | 55.35% | 24.09% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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Share Transactions
$11.00k Bought
Black Fire Minerals
Total value as at the date of the transaction
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