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Ryan Northover

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Ryan Northover
Ryan Northover

Ryan Northover is an experienced digital communications professional in digital marketing and communications strategy across agencies, in-house teams and as an independent media consultant. Mr Northover spent three years at News Corporation in Sydney, was head of social media strategy, and worked extensively throughout the News Corp business including with news and lifestyle brands,, The Australian, Vogue, Fox Sports, Sky News, REA, HarperCollins, as well as metropolitan, suburban and regional news titles. He also collaborated extensively and led partnerships with global digital leaders including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Microsoft and Apple. Mr Northover has spoken at industry conferences; has been covered in trade media and contributed to global news industry reports; and has published numerous syndicated articles on topics related to digital communications, the tech giants, politics and social media trends. He is also the co-founder of a local lifestyle, news and social media network.

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