Michael Simmons joined the board of Vocus Communications through the merger with M2 Group in 2016, bringing considerable experience in the telecommunications sector, having previously held the position of chief executive of ASX-listed SP Telemedia (SPT and now known as TPG Telecom) group since its listing in 2001. Prior to listing, the SPT Group was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Washington H.Soul Pattinson Limited controlled NBN Television Group.
Mr Simmons served in executive roles for nearly 26 years within the SPT/NBN Group of Companies, including as chief financial officer and chief executive. During 2009, following the acquisition of TPG Telecom, Mr Simmons left the SPT Group to become managing director of TERRiA, a telecommunications consortium of infrastructure based telecommunications carriers formed to bid for the contract to build the National Broadband Network (NBN). He joined the M2 Group Board in 2009 and has had enormous satisfaction since then in being a part of the great M2 success story culminating in the merger with Vocus Communications.
Mr Simmons holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Newcastle University. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia, an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.