Kim Grey has over 15 years of experience as an exploration geologist including senior roles with several Australian resource companies such as Goldminex Resources, Mincor Resources and Norilsk Nickel Australia. He has been involved in the discovery and delineation of a variety of ore deposits in Australia and internationally including nickel, gold, porphyry and sediment-hosted copper, heavy mineral sands, base metals, and industrial minerals.
Kim Grey
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Kim Grey
Exploration Manager / Tivan
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
374th | Tivan | $13.00k | |
384th | Kalgoorlie Gold Mining | $9.48k | |
385th | TMK Energy | $8.97k | |
386th | Pivotal Metals | $8.93k | |
387th | Alchemy Resources | $8.22k |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
1205th | Spark Infrastructure Group">Spark Infrastructure Group | -26.86% | -16.9% |
1206th | OM Holdings">OM Holdings | -26.89% | -6.07% |
1207th | Tivan">Tivan | -26.93% | -9.62% |
1208th | Experience Co">Experience Co | -27.04% | -12.29% |
1209th | Xped">Xped | -27.04% | -12.29% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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