Professor Kevin Pfleger has over 20 years of experience in biomedical research, having been trained at Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities. He has held three nationally-competitive research fellowships and won multiple awards for his research in both endocrinology and pharmacology as well as leadership, innovation and community engagement. Prof Pfleger is an internationally-recognised medical researcher whose research into the cells of the body at a molecular level is regarded as world-leading by his peers, and has the potential to deal with kidney disease which affects 80,000 patients in WA alone. His ASX-listed company Dimerix, spun out of the lab at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and University of WA, is now running phase 2 clinical trials on this discovery. In May 2019, Prof Pfleger was appointed by the University of WA as director of the newly established WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub where he will bring together researchers, government and industry partners across the State, connecting outwards nationally and internationally, to facilitate biomedical innovation, and generate new business & investment opportunities for Western Australia in biotechnology, medicine and health.