Andrew Dolling has been the executive director of science and innovation at the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation since 2022.
Prior to that, he was the director of economic policy at the Department of Treasury WA, and a director of economic reform and director of strategic policy unit at the Department of Finance. Mr Dolling had also worked with the Victorian Department of Primary Industries as director of forestry industries policy, and as director of natural resources, water and climate change policy. He spent 12 years as an economist with the Productivity Commission working on a range of inquiries, GTE reviews and at the Office of Regulation Review (now the Office of Best Practice Regulation and separate to the Productivity Commission).
Mr Dolling's experience in the finance and accounting sector included tenures at MLC, PwC and in his own business.
He has a Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management from Oxford University, and a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) from Monash University. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Finance Brokers Association of Australia.