The Shire of Murray has an area of 1821 square kilometres and is located in the Peel Region, about 86km south of Perth.
The Shire is centred on the town of Pinjarra, one of the oldest towns in Western Australia.
It includes the suburbs of Banksiadale, Barragup, Birchmont, Blythewood, Coolup, Dwellingup, Etmilyn, Fairbridge, Furnissdale, Holyoake, Inglehope, Marrinup, Meelon, Myara, Nambeelup, Nirimba, North Dandalup, North Pinjarra, North Yunderup, Pinjarra, Point Grey, Ravenswood, Solus, South Yunderup, Stakehill, Teesdale, West Coolup, West Pinjarra, and Whittaker.