Northern Star Resources primarily engages in the exploration and production of gold properties in the Ashburton, Pilbara, Murchison, and Kimberley regions, Western Australia. It also explores for silver, copper, zinc, and iron ores.
The company’s principal asset is the Paulsens Gold Mine, which is located west of the mining town of Paraburdoo on the border of the Ashburton and West Pilbara Mineral Fields, Western Australia.
In October 2019, Northern Star Resources acquired Echo Resources in an off-market bid.
In December 2019, Northern Star Resources has half a stake in Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s famous Super Pit operator Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) and acquired a separate parcel of nearby tenements.
In February 2021, the company completed the merger with Saracen Minerals to create the only large-cap gold mining company with 100% production in Tier-1 locations. The merged entity will be a long-life global gold producer with over 19Moz of Reserves and 49Moz of Resources across the portfolio. Northern Star now owns the Kalgoorlie Super Pit as well as its operator, KCGM.