Go Energy is a Sydney-based company, formerly the WA-based company Solco. Solco's $9.2 million takeover of Go Group marked a solar panel wholesaling to financing and technology. Solco previously engaged in the wholesale distribution of solar panels and water pumping products primarily in Australia., offering GridPower kits, which are grid-connected solar electric power systems; small, medium, and large size photovoltaic panels; Sun Mill solar pumping kits; array mounting equipment, including panel mounting rails and mounting clips; solar regulators; deep cycle batteries for solar applications; sine wave grid connected and stand alone power inverters; sine wave inverters/battery chargers; a range of battery chargers for sealed and flooded batteries; and DC equipment and lighting products, such as fuses, circuit beakers, DC cables, meters, and lighting products in various configurations. The company was formerly known as Solar Energy Systems Ltd. and changed its name to Solco Ltd. in December 2004.