Arrow Minerals (formerly Segue Resources) engages in the identification, acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties in Australia. The company principally explores for iron ore, nickel, copper, and platinum group elements.
Arrow Minerals has a 100% interest in:
- 1,150km2 of exploration licences at the Barlee Gold Project, located 100km west of Menzies and 180km north of Southern Cross in the Eastern Goldfields
- over 1,000km2 of exploration licences at the Malinda Lithium Project, located 250km east of Carnarvon
- 615km2 of exploration licences in the Pilbara prospective for conglomerate (Witwatersrand-style) and basement (orogenic) gold mineralisation
- over 2,500km2 of exploration licences in the Fraser Range Province, 300km east of Kalgoorlie, highly prospective for massive nickel sulphide mineralisation