A former building director and his Mount Hawthorn business, Turquoise Developments, has been fined a total $40,000 in the State Administrative Tribunal for threatening behaviour.
Aged care and retirement living provider Bethanie has acquired Berrington Care Group's Subiaco and Como centres, which it expects to operate early next year. The sale comes five months after Berrington went into administration.
The chair of the Construction Training Fund has resigned 18 months before his term was due to expire, as the state government proceeds with changes to the fund's operation and governance.
Landlords and office tenants are continuing to set new standards for office accommodation, with an interior design-driven focus on amenity, comfort and flexible working arrangements increasingly becoming the norm across the city.
Western Australia’s property sector has welcomed the state government's announcement of a $150 million housing investment package for first home buyers and low income earners.
Global flexible office provider IWG is eyeing new suburban and regional locations in Western Australia, seeking to capitalise on a growing trend of office decentralisation and changing work habits.
Plans have been lodged to build a $100 million hotel, motel and apartments development on the beachfront in Jurien Bay, with a local private developer seeking to establish new levels of amenity for tourists visiting the Coral Coast.
George and Peter Atzemis’ $90 million investment into Accor’s latest Art Series hotel on Hay Street reflects a return in confidence for the once flagging hotel market.
The state government is making a major push for more medium-density housing, but market conditions and community sentiment loom as major hurdles for developers.
Perth-based property group Australian Development Capital (ADC) has acquired the Belmont headquarters of international rail solutions group Hitachi Rail in an $18 million transaction.
Iris Residential is preparing to launch a $130 million apartment project overlooking Claremont oval after the State Administrative Tribunal overturned objections raised by the development assessment panel and the local council.
House values are predicted to rise next year in every Australian city except for Perth, which could experience a further 5 per cent decrease, according to an economics report from HSBC.
Public art plays a key role in efforts to increase vibrancy and liveability across Perth, with developers willing to contribute if it makes sense for their projects.
A new land and house development is set to revitalise the former Kinlock Primary School site in Ferndale, with Yolk Property Group and Ventura Home Group appointed as project managers.
Western Australians have built smaller homes over the past year, with the average house size falling 6.9 per cent, according to a recent report from CommSec.
A focus on safety and efficiency has helped Tensa Equipment spin-off Roborigger win an unprecedented three of four sponsored platinum awards at this year’s Innovator of the Year ceremony, including the Business News ‘Great for the State’ award.
Subiaco’s apartments market is running hot, with Blackburne racking up rapid sales success at its $280 million One Subiaco development and boutique developer Celtic Properties launching an 82-dwelling development on Roydhouse Street.
Building surveying company Resolve Group and its two directors have been fined a total $35,000 for negligence after signing off on three buildings that failed to meet fire safety requirements.
Rechabites Hall in Northbridge was officially relaunched as a 1,500-capacity, multi-use venue earlier this month, with the overhaul driven by former Artrage chief executive Marcus Canning.
Investors across Australia have backed Primewest’s ambitions to expand its offering via an ASX listing, with the company confirming it has raised its targeted $100 million.
Cedar Woods Properties has acquired a 43-hectare site in Melbourne’s north for $56.65 million to accommodate a master planned community of more than 500 lots.
The state government’s stimulus of the apartments sector has been welcomed by industry, but project eligibility and its likely effect on new home builds are being questioned.
Surveying firm Veris Australia has announced the appointment of Michael Shirley as its new chief executive, replacing Brian Elton who led the company in an interim role since October last year.
About 1,500 housing lots will be developed under a deal between the Department of Communities and LWP Property Group announced today, in Casuarina, Forrestdale and Treeby.