As shops across WA begin to reopen as social distancing restrictions ease, retail property owners are starting to reflect on the health of their assets.
The Housing Industry Forecast Group (HIFG) has downgraded its estimate on the number of dwellings to be built in Western Australia for the current financial year, with the updated figure almost 20 per cent lower than FY19.
Western Australia-based Mair Property Funds has bought a West Perth property and an office in Victoria, for $10.6 million and $13.9 million respectively.
The number of homes being built in Western Australia has fallen by 25.2 per cent since coronavirus-related restrictions were implemented in late March, according to Housing Industry Association (WA), which has predicted the state will be the first to experience a homebuilding downturn.
Stirling Capital’s Cirque Mount Pleasant and Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre by the City of Armadale were recognised at today’s UDIA National Awards for Excellence 2020.
Activate Perth chair and mayoral hopeful Di Bain has penned an open letter to the state government lobbying it to spend up to $130 million raised through Perth CBD’s parking levy as stimulus for the city’s commercial tenants.
Tian An Australia says it’s committed to progressing its 300-berth marina after the Shire of Murray knocked back its proposal late last month, with the developer claiming the Shire has taken “unorthodox action” in regards to a planning amendment.
Major commercial construction jobs have been derailed by the novel coronavirus crisis, with neither the public nor the private sector stepping up to provide certainty for contractors.
The Australian Institute of Architects is calling on governments to drive targeted initiatives that could stimulate the property sector, helping to accelerate economic recovery from COVID-19.
Two court rulings this month have paved the way for the continued investigation of property developers Allen Caratti and Tina Bazzo, who are being pursued by the Australian Tax Office, the Federal Police, and liquidators.
Lendlease aims to raise about $1.15 billion to guard against market uncertainty brought about by the coronavirus outbreak and has withdrawn all forecasts provided with its first-half results.
Apartments in central Perth are maintaining resale values, with a vast majority of transactions in the past three years occurring at or above the median price for all dwellings, new research has fo
The number of Development Assessment Panels will be reduced from nine to five this week, as plans to streamline Western Australia’s planning system come into effect.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today released its ‘Characteristics of New Residential Dwellings’ report, detailing building costs and floorspace movement over the past 15 years nationall
Michelle Prater (nee Wheatley) brings a unique perspective to the natural tension between landlords and tenants in the current market - she is a director of the country's largest car dealer and one of their largest landlords.
The value of Perth’s houses increased 0.5 per cent in the month of March, strengthening the recovery underway for the past six months, but the onset of COVID-19 means the recent gains are unlikely to continue.
Planning is again under way to determine the best use of Cape Peron, two years after Planning Minister Rita Saffioti put the kibosh on DevelopmentWA and Cedar Woods Properties’ contentious Mangles Bay Marina joint venture proposal.
Just Jeans, Peter Alexander and Smiggle are among several Australian brands set to close their doors tonight due to the COVID-19 crisis, while commercial landlord Dexus has withdrawn its earnings guidance for 2020.
Robotic bricklaying company FBR has slashed its workforce, saving $10 million per year, and postponed the construction of its first display home, which was due to commence in a matter of days.
National construction company Built has won its second major project in Western Australia this month, after entering an early works agreement with aged care operator Curtin Heritage Living.
SPECIAL REPORT: Flashpoints over increased density are reaching the urban fringe, with local community groups in outer suburbs resisting change as much as their inner-city counterparts.
SPECIAL REPORT: WA’s residential land developers are cautiously positive the market is rebounding, but likely economic disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic could press pause on the recovery.
Primewest has postponed the spin-out of a new $285 million commercial property trust, citing market volatility, with Macquarie Bank and among other listed companies to change their capital raising plans.
Home loans in Western Australia have reduced in value by 6.4 per cent in January, while the national figure increased by its fastest rate since mid-2019.
Western Australia’s planning system is at risk of delivering vanilla precincts that are replicas of one another if it continues its focus on policies and processes.
Perth’s residential rental market is tightening significantly, with prospective tenants offering lease terms above the listed price in some locations as supply continues to fall.