The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia plans to merge its website with, with the latter's founder, Charlie Gunningham, to manage the combined product.
The Housing Industry Forecasting Group has tipped housing starts will increase by 20 per cent over the next year, followed by a 5 per cent fall in 2011.
Perth CBD occupancy costs remain the most expensive in Australia, despite falling 27 per cent in the past twelve months, according to a new Global Office Rents report from CB Richard Ellis.
A LIBRARY in Mosman Park and a small home in the Swan Valley have been launched as showcase projects to illustrate the effectiveness and affordability of environmentally sustainable design.
IN A milestone week for underground tunnel projects in Perth, the Northbridge Link reached its first landmark with the launch of the tender process to sink the rail line, and the Graham Farmer Freeway turned ten.
WESTERN Australia’s town planners have shifted their focus from metropolitan residential planning to infrastructure and regional projects as a result of lingering effects of the financial crisis.
PRIVATELY owned property developer and investment firm, The Lester Group, has backed its positive view of the commercial property market by agreeing to buy an $8.5 million Subiaco office building.
THE Master Builders Association has backed Western Australian builders’ handling of the $16.2 billion Building the Education Revolution schools program, following claims of price gouging by builders in other states.
WESTERN Australia’s top interior designers are looking to diversify their focus away from commercial office fit-outs to government, leisure and hospitality work as the number of new office buildings coming to market peaks.
Saracen Properties is expected to announce a replacement builder for the $500 million retail and office development Raine Square within the next two weeks.
Property researcher RP Data says Perth's house prices are cause for concern as Armadale, Parmelia and Brookdale are found to be the cheapest suburbs in the metropolitan area.
THE Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia has welcomed the strengthening of Western Australia’s occupational health and safety laws aimed at ensuring only licensed workers with the proper skills can remove asbestos.
THE Hyatt Regency Perth has launched its most extensive redevelopment program in 20 years, with the hotel’s owners investing $9 million for renovations.
Today marks the first step in Albany's quest towards constructing two much-needed hotels with the state government calling on developers to build a new luxury hotel overlooking the Southern Ocean.
Landlords are more prepared to pass rising costs from interest rate rises on to renters after the average rental growth across capital cities in the March quarter rebounded to 1.5 per cent, according to Australian Property Monitors.
Property developer Port Bouvard has again pushed back the release of its capital management strategy as the suspension on the trading of its shares enters its sixth month.
Diploma Group is set to expand its presence in the eastern end of the Perth CBD, today announcing its fourth high-rise apartment building on Adelaide Terrace, valued at $50 million.