THE acquisition of Perth Building Company by South Australian-based building and engineering firm Built Environs will provide PBC with the resources needed to diversify its operations and expand into the lucrative field of resources and engineering constr
KARRATHA’S growing reputation as a property investment hotspot has been strengthened by investors showing strong interest in the region’s first private sector-funded resort-style apartment complex.
THE Housing Industry Association has warned a looming construction skills shortage has the potential to exacerbate housing supply issues in Western Australia.
THE City of Subiaco has taken a significant step towards the amalgamation of its council after it entered an agreement with the City of Nedlands, which could see both councils merged by 2013.
THE residential building sector is concerned about the sustainability of a new home building recovery in Western Australia, according to new industry research.
THE Pilbara Cities initiative is providing property development firms with opportunities to expand beyond their normal scope of operations, according to a prominent Western Australian developer.
WESTERN Australian builders are experiencing teething problems with the transition to new builders’ warranty insurers, which the industry expects will result in higher costs for property buyers as the market adjusts to the withdrawal of the sector’s large
THE Australian Institute of Architects has named Saint Mary’s Cathedral at Victoria Square the outstanding Western Australian building project of 2010.
THE Town of Claremont has moved a step further towards the revitalisation of underused land between the train station and Claremont Oval, with the Western Australian Planning Commission approving the structure plan for the Claremont north-east precinct on
THE $6 million restoration program of William Street in Northbridge, which is approaching completion, has attracted some of Perth’s most notable hospitality operators including restaurateur and Little World Beverages director Nic Trimboli.
PERTH’S six western suburbs councils have expressed their concerns to Premier Colin Barnett over the proposed introduction of development assessment panels.
Auditor General Colin Murphy says urgent action needs to be taken to avoid further cost blowouts or time delays on the $1.76 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital project.
The Western Australian arm of national construction giant Probuild has been named preferred builder to take over from Salta Constructions at stalled high-rise office tower Raine Square.
THE City of Perth has put owners of neglected and vacant buildings in Northbridge on notice, warning them to put redevelopment plans in place or risk having to tear the buildings down.
SARACEN Properties is aiming to sign up a new builder this month for its stalled commercial office tower Raine Square, which has been shut down for the past few months.
THE state government will use its reorganisation of office leasing commitments to underpin the development of activity centres under the state planning framework, Directions 2031.
The state government has entered into a joint venture with two construction companies, including Brookfield Multiplex, in an effort to make more affordable land available in Perth's southern and north-eastern corridors.
WESTERN Australia’s homebuilders and renovators did it tough during 2008-09 despite rapid national population growth, according to a new report by the Housing Industry Association.
The director of Perth-based earth-moving and property company, Pollock Group, Kevin Pollock has been jailed for more than five years following an investigation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
THE Property Council of Australia says the state government’s development plan for Hope Valley’s Latitude 32 industrial zone is a good first step to alleviating long-term industrial land shortages, but falls short in addressing short-term needs.
NEW office developments and demand from the mining sector will result in a finely balanced year for Perth’s CBD office market, according to the latest research from analysts CB Richard Ellis.
THE City of Stirling says all the boxes have been ticked for the revitalisation of Scarborough and it is now up to the private sector to deliver new amenity to the seaside suburb.
THE state government’s new Office of Land and Housing Supply will have the power to work across other government agencies and local governments to ensure timely delivery of land.
Port Bouvard is set to receive a much needed lifeline from Queensland's FKP Property Group, which has agreed to chip in nearly $23 million to a planned $60.2 million capital raising.
A RIPPLE effect from the federal government’s proposed super profits tax on mining is creating uncertainty in a transportable and modular building sector that is just tracking back to normal after the damaging impact of the global financial crisis.