TODAY I'd like to talk about four longer-term trends that had been strongly influencing economic outcomes in Australia before the onset of the global financial crisis, and which are likely to become even more influential in the next growth period.
IT is with some trepidation that I leap in to defend politicians & allowances in the wake of a $240 mistake by Treasurer Troy Buswell in claiming for accommodation in Perth.
IS it a case of the squeakiest wheel getting the lubrication? For those outside it, the political process is an extraordinary thing, with rapid changes in policy possible within just a few hours.
WESTERN Australians may well ask if they are destined to again become colonials, that is, be administratively controlled by distant ruling elites over whom we'll have little or no oversight.
WHY is one hour so important in Western Australia? Earlier this year, the battle was over daylight saving, that magical hour of time difference that splits the electorate almost evenly down the centre.
Population expansion, water shortages, and degradation of land fertility will elevate agriculture to a position of global strategic importance over the next two decades.
AS a pack of reporters thrust their dictaphones in front of Troy Buswell late last week, the treasurer remarked that it reminded him of something other than a press conference.
ITALIAN renaissance scientist Galileo Galilei is purported to have said "to count what is countable, measure what is measurable, and what is not measurable, make measurable".