TUG of war generally requires an equal balance of strength on either side to ensure the longevity of the game, but at various times in Australia’s history politicians have played the game of political push and pull with uneven strength on either end of th
The transfer of the petroleum sector’s tax model to the minerals sector could provide advantages to the mining industry, but without adaptation it would risk future investment.
A FRESH poll by business leadership group Executive Connection has found that 80 per cent of Western Australian chief executives believe that a looming skilled labour shortage is the priority issue faced by WA companies.
DEPUTY Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s whistlestop tour of Western Australia last week returned the political conversation to industrial relations for the first time in several weeks.
MINING magnate Clive Palmer might be from Queensland, but he doesn’t mind weighing into Western Australia’s political scene, as he did in Albany at the weekend with promises to spend up big in support of The Nationals WA campaigning at state level.
Investment theory, which has been at the foundation of strategies used by Australia’s superannuation and funds management industries, has been upended in new research.