If the global economy is really improving after five years in the sin bin, why are the central banks of the world buying gold?That is a question which can only have a disturbing answer.
The price of iron ore in China, not the antics of the iron ore rich Rinehart family, is what Australia should be watching because signs continue to emerge of a big future price fall.
It’s not easy to get inside the mind of a High Court judge, but when Justice Gummow used the word “Orwellian” last week in the latest instalment of ASIC v Andrew Forrest a bell tinkled in my mind.
The government says new legislation will put the onus on listed companies to make sure they have provisions to clawback bonuses and other pay from executives.
A quick way to ruin a business is to penalise successful employees and reward failures, which is what seems to be happening in Australia with the unbalanced re-distribution of the goods and service