Transport Minister Simon O'Brien says securing regular passenger air services for the state is more important than wholesale deregulation as negotiations continue with existing regional airlines over new long-term contracts.
Work on the near $1 billion Southern Seawater desalination plant near Binningup will start in three weeks after the state government today signed contracts with the Spanish-led consortium building the project.
The Minerals Council of Australia has called for a more efficient and effective project approvals process following the release of an interim report into the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
Advertising agency 303 has been brought on board by The Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF) for next year after incumbent agency, Block Branding decided to resign the account two weeks ago.
Stimulus a short-term hit: bank; ASX Seeks to cut small investors into bonds boom; Unions gear up to exploit IR changes; Iron men's bluff threatens deadlock; Australia to feel pain as China curbs its imports
An accounting firm has warned Perth businesses that shedding staff to cut costs may be doing more harm than good, with strong leadership the key to surviving the downturn.
The state government will contribute $3 million towards a new science building at the University of WA's Albany Campus, with half of the funds to come from the royalties for regions program.
ASIC warns directors on valuations, solvency; Companies face 20pc profit cut; BHP benefits as Rio robots race to 'mine of the future'; West shapes as key to Rudd's second-term hopes; Hotels in rush to sign up workers.
Gold explorers have made up half of the final successful applicants for the first round of the state government's new co-funded industry drilling program.
The State Administrative Tribunal has highlighted deep-seated problems in the state's planning process in a ruling on the University of Western Australia's contentious Shenton Park development proposal.
The state government has accepted Alinta's proposal to increase the cap for gas tariffs by 23 per cent, as the gas retailer seeks to recover some of its costs from the impact of the Varanus Island gas explosion.
Ports price-fix claim sinks; Henry talks down rosier IMF report; Oil industry snubs WA regime; Gas hub hangs on benefits deal, says KLC; Nats boss puts cash into his shires.
Skywest announced today it has accepted an offer from the state government to extend its coastal network licence by a further 12 months, while they continue negotiations over a new long-term contract.
WestNet Rail has resumed operations on four regional rail lines after striking an agreement with the Barnett government to assess the long-term future of the state's run-down grain rail network.
West Australian Newspapers Holdings (WAN) expects to take a near $14 million hit after a higher than expected number of voluntary redundancies at its newspapers.
The Geraldton Port is responsible for facilitating significant levels of trade for the state, conservatively estimated to be worth $2.3 billion a year which is tipped to grow up to 20 per cent.
A survey has revealed water demand in the Pilbara region to more than double in the next 20 years, highlighting the need for sustainable water management, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA says.
OECD warns on fragile economy; Recession hammers states; Chinese ore find may affect exports; Gorgon given gas green light; FerrAus joins junior miner merger hunt.
THE Chinese government's approval of a critical $162 million cash injection into Gindalbie Metals by the company's Chinese partner, AnSteel, has delivered a major boost to the emerging Mid West iron ore industry.
The Western Australian Trade Opportunities Service is operated by the International Trade Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia.
THE State Administrative Tribunal has upheld the right of commercial landlords to veto the sale of retail leases if they object to the prospective purchaser.
PERTH could soon have a new tourism and entertainment precinct at Belmont Park after Planning Minister John Day tabled a rezoning amendment in parliament last week.
A WORLD-LEADING wave energy and clean technology developer based in Western Australia has its sights set on exporting its expertise and establishing itself as a global electricity utility.
The state government has today released concept plans for the development of Perth's waterfront as Premier Colin Barnett reiterates work on the scaled back plans is expected to start in 18 months.
The state government has released a new planning framework that abolishes limits on the size of shopping centres and cuts the target for urban infill from Labor's "unrealistic" goal.
World Bank warns of 3pc contraction; States borrow $230bn for major projects; Browse partners urged to turn the page; Colliers buys up Werrett, tops WA shopping league; Fortescue studies second port
Local governments will have the capacity to issue infringement notices against land developers under a new set of planning regulations set to come into effect at the start of next financial year.