Annual growth in China could be as low as 6 per cent as Australia’s largest export market focuses on internal issues such as environmental standards and air pollution, Premier Colin Barnett said to
A controversial crackdown on employer abuse of a skilled foreign worker visa program has passed parliament on the final sitting day before the election.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is preparing to announce a key election policy ahead of the naming of his new ministry, after half a dozen key ministers, including Treasurer Wayne Swan, resigned on Wedne
MPs, judges, magistrates and senior public servants have been granted a 2.6 per cent pay rise, roughly in line with inflation, as more than 1,000 government staff face redundancies.
The state government will establish a $5 million ex gratia hardship fund for subcontractors who were not paid for work on government building projects as a result of the insolvency of head contract
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has laid out a coalition government's plan for the resources sector while mocking the government's controversial mining tax as an act of "economic self-harm".
Kevin Rudd has been spectacularly returned as leader of the federal Labor Party, defeating Julia Gillard in a caucus ballot 57 votes to 45 following a shift in support led by key powerbroker Bill S
Federal resources minister Gary Gray is confident Australia will remain a major supplier of metal and minerals commodities, especially to South-East Asia.
While the federal treasurer believes Australia should become the world's largest liquefied natural gas exporter by the end of the decade, an industry insider says high production costs are putting
Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says a falling Australian dollar should help the transition from mining investment to broader-based growth in the economy.
If Prime Minister Julia Gillard hoped to bring certainty when she unexpectedly called the September 14 election date back in January, a leading business group says it hasn't worked.
A bid by former MP Adele Carles to sue millionaire property developer Nigel Satterley over comments he made about her affair with state Treasurer Troy Buswell has been withdrawn.
More than $23 million in public sector fraud was investigated by Western Australian police in just two years, a new report has revealed, and corruption within government agencies is increasing.
The defamation battle between Treasurer Troy Buswell and his former parliamentary lover Adele Carles has taken a twist, with the deposed MP revealing she is attempting to sue millionaire property d