The federal government has promised $22 million for seven new trade training centres at schools in Western Australia, part of Labor’s 10-year, $2.5 billion program aimed at boosting trade education.
The federal opposition is refusing to say when it will return the budget to surplus, with Liberal treasury spokesman Joe Hockey claiming the bottom line figures are "almost too unpredictable".
Events of the past week have shown that governments in Perth and Canberra face an enormous task getting their budgets under control, no matter which party is in power.
Voters are being prepared for Tony Abbott to emulate Premier Colin Barnett and backflip on numerous election promises, according to high-profile Labor candidate Alannah MacTiernan.
The departments of Treasury and Finance expect the federal budget deficit to be $30.1 billion in 2013/14, unchanged from the government's own forecast.
Australian businesses are taking longer to pay each other in 2013 compared to a year earlier, in an indication that their level of financial health has not improved, according to credit bureau Dun
The state government has gone back on its decision to slash by half the amount paid to households that feed solar power into Western Australia's energy grid.
The deterioration in the economic outlook underpinning the latest interest rate cut was so minor it is barely detectable in new forecasts from the Reserve Bank of Australia.
The Barnett government's cost-cutting measures in the state budget have prompted an industry backlash, with the government accused of adding to the cost of doing business in Western Australia.
The state government will embark on a record infrastructure spend of almost $27 billion over the next four years, despite a deterioration of the state’s revenue base and warnings from credit agenci
The Barnett government is forecast to deliver a $147 million budget deficit in 2014-15, with a blowout in spending and net debt set to place significant strain on the state's finances.
Kevin Rudd's stoush with media mogul Rupert Murdoch is showing no signs of easing, with the prime minister demanding to know what talks, if any, Tony Abbott has had with him over the future of the
On the eve of the state budget, Premier Colin Barnett has foreshadowed program cuts and "revenue measures" as the once-boom state struggles with lower income.
The $1 billion Gateway WA roads project is set to proceed to major delivery, with finalisation of the project price, scope of works and construction methodology.
Weak international trade figures and job ads data shows Australian economic transition away from a mining investment boom is not going as smoothly as it could.
If a political leader in election mode was looking for a sensible road project to fund, they could offer to improve the key industrial exit roads heading north out of Perth.