A group of southern suburban local governments has laid bare serious defence infrastructure and population growth concerns ahead of AUKUS’s arrival in Rockingham.
A long-running tiff over Ruah Community Services' bid to revive the Safe Night Space operation in Northbridge has ended after a state government review.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA has renewed calls for the state government to lift the payroll tax threshold amid rising wage bills for small businesses.
The commander of the United States’ Pacific naval fleet has accused China of unlawful and coercive behaviour while flagging the iron ore trade's potential deterrence value
The Nationals WA have accused the state government of playing politics over gun laws, after reforms labelled the “strictest in the nation” were pushed through parliament today.
Local MPs from opposing sides have warned Coalition leader Peter Dutton his plan to build a nuclear reactor in Collie will face stiff opposition from the community.
Premier Roger Cook says a lift to the Chinese trade ban on western rock lobster would be a logical move, ahead of Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Perth this week.
Byte Construct will build Marine Rescue headquarters and facilities for the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club and Joondalup City RSL, as part of the state’s $272 million Ocean Reef marina redevelopment.
WA agriculture groups have painted a bleak picture for the future of the state’s farming towns due to the federal government’s decision to ban live sheep exports.
Residents of Albany have overwhelmingly supported a pitch to allow Sunday trading in the Great Southern city notorious for its restrictive trading hours.
Chinese Premier Li Qiang will visit Tianqi’s lithium hydroxide refinery in the Kwinana industrial area next week, as part of the first visit to Australia by a Chinese premier since 2017.
Beachside holiday shacks in the shadow of Cockburn’s industrial estate have been given a lease extension as owners learn Westport is unlikely to force their removal.
Resources and Northern Australia Minister Madeleine King has told an audience in Perth that the world’s path to net zero begins in WA, while praising the decisions of former Liberal premiers.
The state and federal governments will collectively spend $70.5 million to establish a clean energy skills centre of excellence in WA, to be run with no fixed address.
The federal Department of Defence plans to spend $738.1 million on works in preparation for AUKUS’ arrival at HMAS Stirling, in support of nuclear submarines slated to arrive in 2027.
Curtin University will receive $6.4 million over four years from the Gorgon gas project’s joint venture partners to operate Western Australia’s new GreenTech Hub initiative.
Activists could be barred from challenging resources project approvals under a fresh policy proposed by WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam aimed at smoothing the runway for major projects.
Synergy’s 142-megawatt King Rocks windfarm near Hyden will be delivered at a cost above $500 million, around $200 million higher than a price tag placed on the project in 2022.
Premier Roger Cook has highlighted the need to incentivise investment in the state while playing down the findings an Australia Institute report targeting the lack of royalties paid on LNG in WA.
City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas has lauded the Forrest empire’s plans for Carillon City, revealing the development will include student accommodation as part of a university-centric city vision.