Greatland Gold will partner with Rio Tinto to broaden exploration efforts close to its Havieron flagship while locking in support for a $220 million debt commitment ahead of studies at the project.
Green ammonia producers Kinara Power and Blue Diamond have progressed lease negotiations for land in the Oakajee Strategic Industrial Area in the Mid West.
Multinational human services provider APM has won a $720 million contract to provide its services in the UK but declared its earnings growth was expected to take a hit.
Bellevue Gold has inked a deal to refine its gold with independent ABC Refinery alongside an agreement with Zenith Energy to build a hybrid power station at its namesake project.
St Barbara chair Kerry Gleeson has lambasted Silver Lake for demanding what she has called ‘a disruptive and unrealistic two-week due diligence exercise’.
Battery minerals explorer Galan Lithium has raised $31.5 million through an institutional placement to advance its projects in the south-west and Argentina.
Junior developer Widgie Nickel has tapped investors for $12 million to fund exploration and development expenditure for its Mt Edwards project near Kambalda.
The board of takeover target St Barbara is now deliberating another offer from Silver Lake Resources after Genesis Minerals sweetened its transaction proposal last week.
Mineral exploration company Encounter Resources has tapped investors for $10 million to advance exploration activities at its West Australian and Northern Territory projects.
Swedish multinational Epiroc has bolstered its ranking as one of WA’s largest mining services companies, after coming to the rescue of local manufacturer Schramm and saving 80 jobs in the process.
Monadelphous is set to buy Melbourne-based mechanical and electrical services business BMC for about $22 million in a bid to expand its eastern seaboard presence.
Newcrest Mining has entered into a binding all-scrip takeover agreement with US-based Newmont Corporation, concluding months of dealmaking between the gold producers.
Takeover target Newcrest Mining has pushed back the exclusivity period for global mining giant Newmont Corporation’s $32 billion offer until next week.
Silver Lake Resources has lobbed a revised proposal to merge with St Barbara saying it ‘stands ready’ to progress due diligence and move to a binding offer.
Low-level radioactive waste stored at Tellus Holdings’ Sandy Ridge facility in the Goldfields will be processed to develop medical treatments under a new deal.
Takeover target Mincor Resources could be delisted from the ASX if Wyloo Metals does not achieve the 90 per cent stake needed for a compulsory acquisition.
Silver Lake Resources has reaffirmed its disappointment in St Barbara’s alleged lack of engagement on a competing proposal, despite the target shutting down any hopes of a merger last week.
St Barbara has backed in its call to accept a $640 million offer from Genesis Minerals despite Silver Lake Resources claiming the target declined to engage on a competing proposal.
Collie-based medicinal cannabis company Cannaponics has raised more than $3 million for its new facility, setting the record for the biggest raise on crowdfunding platform Birchal for 2023.
Chris Ellison-led Mineral Resources has moved to a compulsory acquisition of its Perth Basin partner Norwest Energy after securing a more than 90 per cent stake in the company.