Construction of 6 townhouses - Fitzroy Crossing
Colin Wilkinson Developments Pty Ltd $1,642,248.00
Construction of 4 Single Detached Houses - Halls Creek
NXG, Normans and Jindawarra brands, associated stocks, fruit contracts and the 3,000 tonne winery at Clarendon in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia have been sold to Cockatoo Ridge Wines Ltd for $7M
World champion marathon swimmer Shelley Taylor-Smith to conduct Champion Mindset workshops Reclaim Your Career & Business, April 6 at the Wembley Golf Course Fairway Tavern, and Reclaim Your Life,
Speech by Jennie Granger, Second Commissioner, given at the fifth annual Tribeca Tax Planning Strategies conference, February 28 2005 Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney.
Biometrics Limited has changed its principal place of business and registered office to:
Suite 1006, Milsons Landing
6A Glen Street
Milsons Point NSW 2061
Ph (02) 9460 0577
Fax (02) 9460 0588
Has entered into an agreement with Ascent Resources plc to sell two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Gabon Investments (Iris Marin) Pty Ltd and Gabon Investments (Themis Marin) Pty Ltd.
Austrade Australian Business Centre executive director (Taipei) Jeff Turner, Austrade market development specialist China Anne Cao, Austrade senior trade commissioner (Beijing) Kym Hewett and Austrade
Recently-listed Advanced Nanotechnology expects a UK deal to boost demand for its cerium oxide nanoparticle dispersion and lift earnings for the second half.