Has secured its second military repair contract for the use of its "Dry Underwater Welding Technology", following the successful completion of the first project in November 2004
Speech by Jennie Granger, Second Commissioner, given at the fifth annual Tribeca Tax Planning Strategies conference, 28 February 2005, Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=
ANTARES Energy has announced that gas production is set to commence at its Oklahoma gas well following the completion of pipeline connections to its Ellis County gas wells to a regional sales line.
Advised Albetros Inland Diamond Exploration Pty Ltd ("Albetros") of its intention to terminate the Agreement over prospecting rights originally granted to Albetros by the South African government over
NATIONAL regulator, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says BHP Billiton’s $9 billion Wheelarra iron ore joint venture will not impact on third parties seeking to access BHPB’s Mount Newma
Consolidated Minerals has appointed former Anglo American business development and strategic planning executive Rodney Baxter to the newly created position of general manager – technical services.
BLUESCOPE Steel is sponsoring a Jobs West initiative to build a Skill Centre in Western Australia to increase the labour market participation rate of disadvantaged groups.
THE Australian Securities and Investments Commission is warning Australian financial services (AFS) licensees to lodge their 2004 annual accounts and auditors reports on time.
WOODSIDE Energy has signed a sale and purchase agreement with Shell Development Australia, to buy part of Shell’s interests in the Laminaria-Corallina project, off northern Australia.