has secured the rights to extract an iron concentrate (iron ore) from the roaster tailings to be processed in its 70% owned Sino-Foreign Joint Venture in Tongling, China.
GINDALBIE Metals has flagged a reduction in both forecast capital and operating costs for the planned development of a long-term magnetite concentrate project based on the Mt Karara Magnetite Deposit
Has completed the acquisition of all the issued capital of Green Rock Energy Pty Ltd and Perilya Geothermal Energy Pty Ltd, and is now known as Green Rock Energy Limited.
The Bulletin board for tax agents comprises news items relevant to tax agents and is regularly updated. Revised to advise of Tax Office making changes to inbound telephone services.
The 2005 vintage will be remembered as one of real highs and some lows, according to Western Australian Wine Industry Association president John Griffiths.
A NEW Building Act to streamline regulations governing Western Australia’s building and construction industry will be fast tracked by Housing and Works Minister Fran Logan.
Aquila Resources Limited has changed its contact details to:
Suite 5, Level 3, South Shore Centre
85 South Perth Esplanade
South Perth WA 6152
PO Box 1038
South Perth WA 6951
INTEGRATED Tree Cropping has signed a woodchip sales agreement with Sojitz Corporation of Japan under which the first seven years worth of wood-fibre harvest from ITC’s Albany region operations will b
Barclays Global Investors Australia Limited increased its relevant interest from 13,207,444 ordinary shares (8.33%) to 14,966,432 ordinary shares (9.44%).