50% controlled Anji Ya Feng Bamboo Products Ltd has entered into a joint venture with Teragren LLC, the second largest supplier of bamboo flooring in the US.
Norman Disney & Young director Ashak Nathwani and Honeywell Pacific facilities optimisation business manager Ehab Abou-Seido are speaking at the Energy Smart Trade Expo 2005, May 31 at the Perth C
Draft and finalised consolidation-related tax rulings and tax determinations. Five draft TDs (TD8-12 /2005) added 11 May 2005.
FOODLAND has confirmed that it is in constructive discussions with Metcash in relation to Metcash’s current offer for Foodland as well as considering other structural alternatives.
A puppeteer and a specialist anaesthetist have shared a $10,000 scholarship that will enable them to promote Western Australia as a conference destination.
RADIO station 6PR has continued to win back sections of the Perth radio audience with the latest Nielsen radio ratings revealing percentage point increases in all timeslots and an increase in its shar
International business improvement expert Phillip Slater is presenting two workshops for local businesses, May 19 and 20 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor.
Has commenced proceedings against Excalibur and Strata in the Federal Court of Australia claiming damages from them for breach of the agreement and the guarantee respectively regarding the sale of its
AFTER the recent delivery of its vessel True North, Austal has confirmed the signing of two new contracts for the construction of similar vessels to be configured for private and charter use.