Is currently in negotiations with two independent private companies in respect of the acquisition of a 100% interest in tenements in a coal province in Southern Africa
HIGH profile accountant Domenic Martino has emerged at the helm of a mystery buyer for Perth-based IT services company ComputerCORP Pty Ltd in a deal worth more than $8 million on paper.
Proposed code: AYR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Peter Harold (non-executive chairman), Dr Jayson Meyers (managing director), Peter Hepburn-Brown (executive d
Donald Head has resigned as non-executive director for Acclaim Exploration NL. Paul Adams and Johnny Chung have resigned from the board of CMA Corporation Ltd.
Ridgefield Capital Asset Management L.P., Tyticus Partners L.P. and Tyticus Overseas Partners Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 18,734,227 ordinary shares (5.7%)
Antofagasta has revised takeover offer to $1.40 per share. The board of Tethyan unanimously recommends that all shareholders accept the Antofagasta offer in the absence of a superior offer.
West Perth-based information management and technology company Quadrant Group has been appointed to provide ongoing strategic support to the Departments of the Attorney General and Corrective Services.
Top Perth barrister Wayne Martin QC has been appointed as Western Australia's 13th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia and will take up the position on May 8.
Clinical Cell Culture Ltd today announced that the Therapeutic Goods Administration had recommended the approval of its ReCell ® tissue harvesting device in Australia.
Axiom Properties Ltd has advised that due to continued strong demand, the Port Geographe joint venture has released a further stage of new canal lots at the Port Geographe Project at Busselton in Western Australia.
Fleetwood Corporation's manufactured accommodation subsidiary Fleetwood Pty Ltd has been awarded a $7.5 million contract to manufacture and deliver 50 Park Homes for the BHP Billiton Ravensthorpe Nickel Project in Western Australia.
Western Australian olive oil company Olea Australis have announced that proceedings in the District Court of Western Australia against former executive chairman John (Gus) Simpson have been discontinued.
Perth-based electronic payment specialist Intellect Holdings Ltd today announced $5 million in new work orders for its advanced 'unattended' payment solutions range in Europe.
The road transport, construction industries and remote communities are the likely winners in the Government's new Fuel Tax Bill (2006) introduced into Parliament today.