Have completed the purchase of all of Acclaim Exploration NL interests and rights in the Wingellina and Claude Hills exploration projects through the acquisition of Acclaim’s subsidiary companies of H
Perth barrister Wayne Martin QC (left) has been appointed as Western Australia’s 13th chief justice of the Supreme Court and will take up the position on May 8.
WHEN successful car finance broker John Mason was diagnosed with a life threatening, stress related illness, his and wife Susan’s lives changed suddenly and dramatically.
Proposed code: TOE, Issue price: $0.86, First days close: $0.805, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Dr Ian Gould (non-executive chairman), Greg Hall (managing director), Owen Hegar
Andrea Veccia-Scavalli has returned to Perth after spending five years with award winning architect John Wardle and two years with Mirvac’s Melbourne architectural arm, HPA Architects, to become a dir
Walking through the city you may be greeted by a friendly face clutching a magazine exclaiming, “get your big issue!” This person is a vendor employed to sell an independent, quality publication and a
Consolidated Minerals Ltd is to make a scrip offer for the entire issued capital of Titan. Consolidated’s offer is one Consolidated share for every thirty five Titan shares on issue
Has entered into a binding offtake agreement with Jinchuan Group Limited (Jinchuan), for all copper concentrate sales from the West Whundo Copper-Zinc Project.
Has entered into agreements with investor groups including Macquarie Bank and Dundee Precious Metals Inc to raise $3.5 million through the placement of 14 million new ordinary shares to be issued at a
WOODSIDE Petroleum Ltd said last week it had resolved a dispute with Mauritania over four offshore production contracts operated by the company’s wholly owned subsidiary Woodside Mauritania Pty Ltd.
Proposed code: ENB, Issue price: $0.25, Principal activities: energy development, Corporate: Reginald Gillard (chairman), Mark Babidge (managing director), Thomas Goh (director), Peter Woods (company
Tamara Gorrie has joined strategic management and communication consultants Gryphon Management Australia as a director. Ms Gorrie was most recently CEO for the Australian Gold Council.
Has exercised its option to purchase the Thalanga Treatment facility by paying $600,000 to Thalanga Copper Mines Pty Ltd. The final $1 million payment to TCM will be made on 30 September 2006.