Proposed code: MMR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: pooled development fund, Corporate: Seng Yap (chairman), David Breeze (executive director), Charles Murphey (executive director), K.O Yap
Michele Villa has been appointed as the new managing partner of Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM), replacing Robert Jeffries who has taken on the role as national business dev
A Brisbane man was today sentenced by the Brisbane District Court to four years jail for GST fraud totalling $408,576 and attempted GST fraud of $51,046.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I
Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd & Kingsgate South America Pty Ltd increased its relevant interest from 13,844,409 ordinary shares (5.12%) to 23,289,463 ordinary shares (8.62%)
WA group Seasons Funerals is launching a range of environmentally-friendly LifeArt cardboard coffins into Western Australia to offer clients a colourful and personalised option to the traditional wood
Proposed code: MMB, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: base and precious metals exploration, Corporate: Dr Keith P Watkins (managing director), Ralph R G Porter (technical director), Max D J Co
AUSTRALIAN building products and sugar giant CSR Ltd said it had settled a further 10,000 asbestos product claims in the US at a cost of $US2.5 million.
YOU would think the man who, until recently, ran the Western Australian division of major accounting lobby group CPA Australia would have a walk-up start when it came to buying a small business.
Proposed code: UTO, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Philip Lucas (non-executive chairman), Stephen Mann (non-executive director), Stanley Macdonald (non-execu
Bulletin to inform tax practitioners of the most recent updates to - April 19 2006. Published: April 26 2006
BHP Billiton has announced the appointment of Ian Ashby (left), president and chief operating officer, Western Australian Iron Ore, to the BHP Billiton executive committee.
ONE of the major challenges confronting small business is deciding how much time to devote to running the business and how much attention to direct towards ensuring the business complies with its regu
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing, Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),
BIG four banker Westpac consolidated its Victorian interests by selling the Victorian operations of its Challenge Bank subsidiary to the Bank of Melbourne this week 10 years ago.
The Finance and Treasury Association WA chapter (FTA), in conjunction with Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia), is hosting a luncheon, May 12 at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel, following t